You're welcome to
our site. We
hope you'll enjoy it and be blessed abundantly!
Our vision of a page in the Internet
was born the day this Page was designed and finally uploaded. It was
created with children in mind, especially, my two granddaughters: Leslie &
Ashley, then six & seven years old respectively; that's why we entitled it: Minihearts.
You can access
Ashley's blog:
"What I really think about my life" We give JESUS all the glory;
it all belongs to Him. He is the only One worthy of all honor and praise!

We dedicate this Page to
parents and their children.
This era's
generation is a very difficult and confused one. Children are being
affected and influenced negatively in many ways. It's a must for parents
to consider parenthood as a very serious and responsible
issue and begin to instruct their offsprings according to the
Word of God since the moment they are born.
22:6 states:
"Train a child in the way he
should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."

The best way to raise emotionally and spiritually healthy children is
Jesus and
the Bible. This is
time for parents to decide
to give their hearts to Jesus
since you can't give your
children what you have not received yourself.
And ... do you know something? The first thing you receive when you
meet Jesus
the most important ingredient missing in most homes today all around the
world. The chaos in some children, youngsters and even
adults' behavior is due to the abscence of love in their lives.
God is love, that's
why He sent his only Son to the world so we could all be saved. He promises
that "if you believe in the Lord Jesus you will be saved--you and your household."
Acts 16:31.

Children need to feel and know for sure they are loved. We want to tell every
boy and girl that Jesus loves
in a very special way. Each one is
important to God and He wants them to believe that "even though their father and
mother forsake them, the Lord will receive them". Psalm 27:10. Let
Jesus be your Best Friend! Jesus loves you!
Jesus said, "Let the little
children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
